Carillon | Bells | Französischer Dom
Carillon in the Französischer Dom Gendarmenmarkt Glockenspiel


A special Carillon

Carillon bells in Franzoesischer Dom

Carillon at Französischer Dom

The Carillon at Französischer Dom is a large carillon whose bells can be played by a player (carilloneur) using a keyboard or mechanically (e.g. by means of a roller or electronic control).
Inside the French Cathedral there is a comparatively large instrument that can be played in concerts and - as a special feature - can be viewed up close.

Every month, the pieces played on the carillon change. These are played every hour between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm and between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm. On Sundays, the melodies are omitted from 10:00 am  to 1:00 pm, but the following pieces are sounded instead:

9:00 a.m. - Open for Me the Beautiful Door
9:25 a.m. - Praise the Lord
10:55 am - Psalter EKG 294

We have compiled the pieces of the carillon on a Spotify playlist for you to listen to.

The carillon in Französischer Dom viewed from the ticket hall

Facts and figures about the carillon

  • Number of bells: 60
  • Tone sequence: gis⁰, b⁰ ... gis⁵
  • Largest bell: 5,700 kg
  • Smallest bell: 20 kg
  • Total weight: 29,500 kg
  • Automatic: available
  • Founder: Peter Schilling, Apolda
  • Builder: Feingusswerk Pößneck, Neustadt (Orla)
  • Manual console: g⁰, a⁰ ... g⁵, linear
  • Inauguration: 1987


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